Downsman Hike

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This year, we entered 2 teams into the annual Downsman Hike Competition.

One team competed in Class E and one in Class B. Both teams completed the competition which is a first for Shackleton. A big congratulations to you all and hopefully it doesn’t take too long for them to fully recover!

Class E – Joe, Nathan, Corey and Charlie

Class E is suitable for Explorers with hiking experience.

Total Route Distance38 miles. With the rest sections, each person will hike less than the total distance
RouteSteyning Bowl to Eastbourne
Start timesBetween 07:30 & 08:30
Time allowedUp to 18 hours to complete the hike
Age restrictionsMinimum combined team age of 48 years and a maximum combined team age of 62, only whole years are added together. Each individuals must be under 18 years old.
Team composition4 people to a team, with only 3 hiking at any one time – the fourth will be rested and transported to the next designated Service Area with the Team’s Service Crew. When at a designated Service Area, the rested person will re-join their team, swapping places with a teammate whose turn it is to rest next
AwardsThe ‘Chief Scout’s’ trophy is presented to the team that completes the route in the fastest time. A Downsman medal is awarded to everyone who completes the hike

Class B – Xander, Sam, Ben and Jake

Class B is targeted at older Explorer teams with good hiking skills, experience, fitness and endurance.

Total Route Distance55 miles. With the rest sections, each person will hike less than the total distance
RouteBignor Hill to Eastbourne
Start timesBetween 0600 and 0630
Time allowedUp to 20 hours to complete the hike
Age restrictionsMinimum combined team age of 48, only whole years are added together. All individuals must be under 18 years old
Team composition4 people to a team, with only 3 hiking at any one time – the fourth will be rested and transported to the next designated Service Area with the Team’s Service Crew. When at a designated Service Area, the rested person will re-join their team, swapping places with a teammate whose turn it is to rest next.
AwardsThe “Boot” trophy will be presented to the fastest team to complete the hike. A Downsman medal is awarded to everyone who completes the hike
