Category: News

Mountain Activity Camp 2024

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Over Easter Weekend, 13 Explorers and their leaders travelled to Cornel Scout Campsite in North Wales. Originally we planned to climb Snowdon on Saturday but snowy weather meant we had to do our contingency, lower level route heading over Foel Fras, Carnedd Gwenllian and Foel Grach.

On Sunday, we headed out to Craig Caseg Ffraith for a day of climbing and abseiling led by Sean and Tim. Everyone got to attempt the 5 different climbs and abseil which was a first for many of natural rock!

Before we departed on Monday, the groups headed out for a final low level walk up Crimpiau before a long journey home!

All in all, the weather was extremely kind during the weekend and everyone had fun! Thanks to all the leaders and helpers who made it happen and here’s to next year’s camp which we have already started to plan!

Chief Scout Awards / Investitures and D of E Expedition Reports

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On Monday 3rd October, Shackleton Explorers had a very busy evening! We started off with a brief lesson in Heraldry before the Explorers started to design their own coat of arms to represent them.

We then moved onto a more formal part of the evening where we had expedition reports from our 2 D of E Bronze groups and 2 D of E Silver Groups (which parents were welcome to attend).

At the end of the evening, we were joined by Robert Sawyer (our County Commissioner) who presented Chief Scout Gold Awards to Ash, Kevin, Ben and Samuel. He is also presented Chief Scout Platinum Awards to Millie, Jake, Sam and Olivia.

We then invested 6 new members to the unit before Robert awarded the Award for Merit to Sean (who is the Explorer Scout Commissioner) for his commitment to Scouting over an extended period of time.

All in all, a very busy evening celebrating the success of our youth members over the past year – lets hope this continues into future years!

D of E Reports

Investitures and CSA Presentations

Christmas Bowling Party

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On Monday 13th Dec, we celebrated our last meeting of term with a Christmas Bowling Competition. Taking over several lanes, and many gutter balls later, everyone had lots of fun.

We made a quick departure though at the end as one of the lanes had broken down which meant the staff had to start taking up the floor with electric screwdrivers!!!

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and come back refreshed in 2022.

If your interested in joining us in 2022, do get in touch.

Autumn Update

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Autumn 2018 Newsletter

We are in the process of putting together the full programme for the term, and the first meeting back will give the Explorers the opportunity to give their input to ensure we are being truly #YouthShaped! Once completed it will be available on our website.
As such, the first meeting back will be Monday 3rd September at 4th Worth Scout hut at 7:30pm until 9:30pm in normal uniform.
It’s been a very busy year so far for Shackleton, with expeditions, activities and skills evenings. The easiest way to share some of this with you is with some photos!

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Update
Unfortunately we had to cancel our planned Bronze Award practice expedition earlier this year, as a few Explorers had to pull out at short notice and we didn’t have the minimum number of participants required to qualify.
We are hoping to reschedule for March when the expedition season starts again, so please let us know if there any weekends that you cannot do. Likewise, if you are not yet enrolled into the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme and want some more information please let us know.
Shackleton Explorer Scout Unit

Leaders Winter skills

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This winter, Explorer Scout leaders from Crawley District travelled north with a simple mission – to find snow and ice!

Tim Winter (Shackleton ESU) spent some time with Scouts Scotland at the Lochgoilhead National Activity Centre under the instruction of Mark Noble MIC, and was then joined by Adam Jasko (Drake ESU) and Harry Fox (SRF ESU) in the Lake District for the Essex Scouts Mountain Activity Team winter instructors course.

This was all in aid of developing the Crawley leaders’ winter mountaineering skills, and in turn enable future winter trips for Scouts that want to try winter mountain walking, climbing and camping.

Mountain Activity Weekend

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On 26th October 19 Explorer Scouts from across Crawley District were hosted by Drake Explorers at their annual mountain activity weekend staying at a bunk house in the Brecon Beacons, South Wales.

Participants spent 3 days walking in the mountains, including Pen Y Fan (the highest peak in South Wales) and rock climbing – and some even managed to get some sleep!

Many thanks to Drake ESU for a fantastic trip.