Category: Meeting nights

First Aid

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On Monday, we had an evening of First Aid Training ahead of our upcoming expeditions and summer activities. We focused on:

  1. Life support: The principles of first aid and initial response (arriving and managing an incident), emergency life support, CPR (including technique for children and an explanation of what AED is and how to use it), management of an unconscious casualty (child and adult), and choking. 
  2. Trauma and injury: Shock, bleeding, fractures (ambulance imminent and non-imminent) and sprains, head injuries, dental incidents, and burns.
  3. Major illnesses: Asthma, anaphylaxis, heart attack, stroke, seizures, diabetes, sepsis and meningitis.

Everyone got fully involved and we hope you never have to use these skills in reality but they are a #skillforlife!

Mountain Activity Camp 2024

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Over Easter Weekend, 13 Explorers and their leaders travelled to Cornel Scout Campsite in North Wales. Originally we planned to climb Snowdon on Saturday but snowy weather meant we had to do our contingency, lower level route heading over Foel Fras, Carnedd Gwenllian and Foel Grach.

On Sunday, we headed out to Craig Caseg Ffraith for a day of climbing and abseiling led by Sean and Tim. Everyone got to attempt the 5 different climbs and abseil which was a first for many of natural rock!

Before we departed on Monday, the groups headed out for a final low level walk up Crimpiau before a long journey home!

All in all, the weather was extremely kind during the weekend and everyone had fun! Thanks to all the leaders and helpers who made it happen and here’s to next year’s camp which we have already started to plan!

Crossbows and Shooting

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On Monday the unit was split in 2. Half were air rifle shooting and the other half were doing crossbows. A few photos are below.

Backwoods Cooking / Fire Lighting

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On Monday, the Explorers turned their hand to fire lighting and backwoods cooking. After what seemed like an eternity, most of the groups managed to light their fires (using the trusty fire lighter due to very wet wood!). The Explorers then cooked Pizza and Banoffee Pie (backwoods style!). Overall an enjoyable evening with the cooking giving mixed results!

Chocolate Truffles

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This week at Explorers, everyone gave chocolate truffle making a go! The results were varied and much mess was made in the process of making them!


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On Monday, we visited Hazelwick School to play a game of Basketball. We started by practising our different shots including layups and free throws. We then split into play some mini games before we had a knock out tournament between all 4 teams.

We also welcomed 5 new members moving up from Scouts.

A few photos are below.

Halloween Evening

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This evening we met at Stanford Scout Campsite for our traditional Halloween wide games. We started the evening with a mummy making competition. This was quickly follow by capture the pumpkin, donuts from a string and finally apple bobbing.

Well done to all the Explorers who dressed up – special shout out to Charlie for his flattering costume!!

Fencing and NPAS Visit

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Over the last 2 weeks, the unit has been split. Half visited NPAS in Redhill whilst the other half had a fencing lesson from Crawley Sword Club.

A big thanks to NPAS and Crawley Sword Club for spending time to share their skills with our members. A few photos are below.

Angel Throwing & Pioneering

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On Monday we had a busy evening. 8 of our Explorers prepared for the upcoming Downsman Hike by marking out their route and discussing their menu. We also had angel throwing run by Allen and Katie and whilst waiting, the other groups had to build the highest pioneering structure.

3 groups managed to build a structure above head height however the neatness, design and knot skills leave a lot to be desired!!!

A few photos are below.

Autumn Term Programme 2023

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A new term means a new programme which is now available on OSM or available below. Watch out for details about summer camp which will be released soon!

DateActivityLocationOther Details
04/09/2023Paracord Woggles / Welcome Back4th WorthUniform
11/09/2023Tomahawk Throwing / Pioneering Challenge4th WorthUniform
18/09/2023Escape Room / Investitures4th WorthUniform
25/09/2023Dance Evening & D of E Presentations4th WorthUniform – Parents Invited for D of E
02/10/2023Ballista’s Pioneering Challenge4th WorthUniform
09/10/2023National Police Helicopter Tour / FencingRedhill & 4th WorthDetails to follow
16/10/2023National Police Helicopter Tour / FencingRedhill & 4th WorthDetails to follow
23/10/2023Half Term – No Meeting
30/10/2023Halloween Games @ StanfordStanfordFancy Dress
06/11/2023Team Building Challenges – Communication4th WorthUniform
13/11/2023Backwoods Cooking PizzasStanfordWarm Clothing
20/11/2023BasketballTBCSports Clothing
27/11/2023Self Defence Evening4th WorthSports Clothing
04/12/2023Christmas Cooking with Phil!4th WorthUniform
11/12/2023Christmas PartyTBCTBC
18/12/2023Christmas Break – No Meeting
DateEventOther Details
07/10/2023Downsman HikeSouth Downs
29/09/2023 – 01/10/2023Survival CampStanford Scout Campsite
01/12/2023 – 03/12/2023Winter CampBentley Copse
29/03/2024 – 01/04/2024Mountain Activity Camp 2024North Wales (Cornel)