
This evening the Explorers played Badminton at Oriel High School. We played several games including round robin, keep the shuttlecock off the floor and some competitive matches. Well done to Franklin and Avighna for winning tonight even beating the leaders!

Edible Pioneering and Games

This evening the Explorers had to complete various challenges including building an origami paper boat which would float for the longest time and a free standing tower from Spaghetti, Marshmellow and Strawberry Laces. Various styles were adopted but all of the teams were successful in building a tower which at least was worthy of measurement. We also played a few games including jump rope and a chair switching game.

Ready Steady Cook

This evening the Explorers took part in a ready steady cooking competition. Tasked with making two different dishes, the teams battled it out over the evening to make a creamy pancake and leek parcel as well orange caramel pancakes. The results were varied however there was one clear team that came out on top! Next week we don’t have a formal meeting but our D of E Silver groups will meet for some additional prep.


From 19.40 on 7th Feb the Explorers became fugitives. Their goal was to return to 4th Worth HQ at 21.20 precisely where they will be rescued by benevolent forces (also known as their parents) after a debriefing. A handful of them used guile and cunning to avoid the hunter forces who roamed Crawley. They were considered captured if a hunter team was able to gain a clearly identifiable photograph of one of the team whilst on the run. Many fell to this fate!!! A few of our photo captures are below.

Mental Health Awareness Evening – Time to Talk

This evening the Explorers had a guest speaker from West Sussex Council to discuss mental health awareness and ways to wellness. This was timed to coincide with time to talk day. During the evening, we covered several different topics including some general facts and knowledge, key terms (including anxiety and depression), mental health triggers, ways to improve mental health and wellbeing before applying their knowledge to some youth case studies. The Explorers were engaged throughout and showed real maturity in discussing a subject which is sensitive to many. We finished with a few games to help everyone decompress and relax …

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Crossbows / D of E / Investitures

Tonight we had a busy night at Shackleton! 10 of our Explorers split into 2 groups to plan their upcoming D of E Silver Expeditions. Much cake was consumed in the process!!! The other unit members were able to partake in Crossbow shooting with some of the unit scoring full marks (40/40). At the end of the night we also invested 4 new members into the unit to learn #skillsforlife. A big thanks to Allen for leading the crossbows and to the other unit leaders for supporting D of E planning. Next week our Bronze teams will be planning their …

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Jan 2022 to April 2022 Programme

Happy New Year! A new term means a new programme which we are pleased to share below. All meetings are subject to change based on COVID restrictions but these will be emailed out as needed. If your interested in joining us, please get in touch! Date Activity Location Other Details 03/01/2022 No Meeting N/A N/A 10/01/2022 Trading Post 4th Worth Uniform 17/01/2022 Crossbows / D of E Routes 4th Worth Uniform & Warm Clothing 23/01/2022 Crossbows / D of E Routes 4th Worth Uniform & Warm Clothing 31/01/2022 Mental Health Awareness 4th Worth Guest Facilitator – Uniform 07/02/2022 Hunted TBC …

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Christmas Bowling Party

On Monday 13th Dec, we celebrated our last meeting of term with a Christmas Bowling Competition. Taking over several lanes, and many gutter balls later, everyone had lots of fun. We made a quick departure though at the end as one of the lanes had broken down which meant the staff had to start taking up the floor with electric screwdrivers!!! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and come back refreshed in 2022. If your interested in joining us in 2022, do get in touch.

Communication Skills

On Monday 22/11, the Explorers took part in several different communication themed activity bases comprising of Semaphore, Morse Code, String Telephones and Blind Folded Mine Field. We also looked ahead to next year to plan and agree our D of E expedition groups so we can start training in the new year.

Bird Boxes

On Monday 15th November, the Explorers built bird boxes to be put up around the scout HQ. Using a gravel board per group, they measured, cut, and constructed the bird boxes from scratch following a set of instructions (although each groups looked nothing like the supposed finished article!!!). Some decided to further customise their boxes by adding decorations and even a front deck! Most importantly of all though, is all of the Explorers still have all of their fingers even after letting them loose with saws (under supervision)!!!

Halloween Games 2021

Tonight at Explorers, we celebrated Halloween with an evening of Halloween Games at Stanford Scout Campsite. We played spot the ghost (German Spotlight), Capture the Pumpkin and Donut Eating without using your hands or licking your lips. To make the donut game even harder, we used jam donuts which left many of the explorers covered in jam!!! If your interested in joining us, please do get in touch.

Cardboard Pizza Box Ovens

On 11/10, we built cardboard box pizza ovens as all Explorers like to eat!!! All 4 groups were successful in building these ovens and we didn’t have any box fires! A few photos of the evening are below.

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.