Archery and Fire Lighting

Over the past 2 weeks, the unit split into 2 and did fire lighting and archery at Stanford Scout Campsite. The explorers started fires using a variety of techniques including flint and steel, exothermic chemical reactions and electricity! Congratulations to Nathan who was our most accurate archer!

Shackleton Explorers – Raft Building @ Tilgate

Tonight our Explorers built traditional rafts from pioneering poles and barrels before giving them a test drive on Tilgate Lake. 3 groups built 3 different rafts and surprisingly all held up fairly well when launched. That didn’t stop a few of the Explorers accidentally falling in! Traditional rafting is a great way to try something new as traditional rafts are very different to other crafts. It’s also a true test of teamwork, as you’ll all need to play your part to get the raft moving in the right direction. The best pioneering projects are the ones that are plenty of …

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Summer 2022 Programme

A new term means a new programme which we are pleased to share below. All meetings are subject to change based on COVID restrictions but these will be emailed out as needed. If your interested in joining us, please get in touch! Date Activity Location Other Details 25/04/2022 Expedition Skills / Debrief 4th Worth Uniform 02/05/2022 Bank Holiday – No Meeting N/A N/A 09/05/2022 Evening Hike TBC Outdoor Clothing 16/05/2022 Pioneering TBC Uniform 23/05/2022 Jubilee Ready Steady Bake! 4th Worth Uniform 30/05/2022 Half Term – No Meeting N/A N/A 06/06/2022 Climbing / Abseiling Copthorne Prep School Outdoor Clothing 13/06/2022 Tent Care …

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Hungry Hippos

On Monday 28th, we did various skill games including compass bearing shapes, team building exercises and hungry hippos! Originally we had planned to have a police visit but COVID disrupted that, we will reschedule for the summer term!

Shackleton Explorers are Back!

Shackleton Explorers are once again back open for business! Through September, we have been able to offer a varied set of activities including orienteering, cooking challenges and axe throwing! We are also planning our first camp in 18 months for October. If your aged 13.5 -18, you are more than welcome to come and join us and give Explorers a try! Get in contact here.

2020 Programme published!

The new year is here, and so is the new programme which can be found here:

Remembrance Day 2019

It was great to see so many explorers giving up their normal Sunday to join the congregation of St Nicolas Church and cubs and scouts from 4th Worth for a Remembrance Day service. Special thanks to Corey our flag bearer, and Thomas and Luke for missing a rugby match to attend!

County Presentation

8 members of Shackleton were proud recipients of the Chief Scout Gold or Platinum awards this Sunday. Well done to Katie, Ben, Jake, Sam, Zachary, Corey, Alex and Catherine!

Mountain Activity Weekend

Shackleton ESU travelled to North Wales for their Mountain Activity Weekend Camp from Thursday 11th April to Sunday 14th April. Whilst staying at Cornel Scout Centre, they took part in hill walking and climbing activities. On Friday, the two teams took part in a full days hillwalking including some entry level scrambles. On Saturday, the two groups alternated between natural rock climbing / abseiling and an orienteering trail (which was much harder than it suggested!!!) On Sunday, the group ventured up Crimpiau where the newest member was invested into the unit. To top it all of, the weather was beautiful all weekend …

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Standing room only for Remembrance Sunday

Each Remembrance Sunday, Scouts in cities, towns and villages across the UK show their support for the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women. This year is made all the more poignant for the fact that that 2018 is the centenary of the Armistice, bringing an end to the First World War. As Britain entered the First World War on 4 August 1914, Robert Baden-Powell – founder of the Scout Movement – volunteered Scouts to support the war effort. They weren’t to have a military role but could undertake work that released men for service in the armed forces. The …

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Mountain Activity Weekend

From Thursday 25th October to Sunday 28th October, 19 Explorer Scouts and 3 Scout Network from across Crawley District attended the annual mountain activity weekend, staying at a bunk house in Cynwyd, North Wales. Participants spent 3 days walking in the mountains, including Snowdon (the highest peak in North Wales) and rock climbing – and some even managed to get some sleep! A selection of photos from the weekend are available below.

Programme updated!

We are please to note that the programme agreed with the Explorers for the Autumn/Winter Term is now live! Please see Programme in the above menu for more information.

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.