Rifle Shooting Permission Form Participant InformationParticipant Name(Required) First Last Participant Group / Section(Required)N/A1st Crawley Thursday Beavers1st Crawley Thursday Cubs1st Crawley Wednesday Scouts1st Balcombe Thursday Beavers1st Balcombe Tuesday Cubs1st Balcombe Thursday Scouts1st Langley Green Thursday Beavers1st Langley Green Tuesday Cubs1st Langley Green Thursday Scouts1st Northgate Monday Cubs1st Northgate Tuesday Cubs1st Southgate Wednesday Beavers1st Southgate Wednesday Cubs1st Southgate Friday Scouts2nd Crawley Monday Beavers2nd Crawley Wednesday Cubs2nd Crawley Friday Scouts2nd Ifield Tuesday Beavers2nd Ifield Thursday Beavers2nd Ifield Monday Cubs2nd Ifield Wednesday Cubs2nd Ifield Tuesday Scouts2nd Ifield Friday Scouts4th Worth Friday Beavers4th Worth Monday Cubs4th Worth Thursday Cubs4th Worth Tuesday Scouts4th Worth Thursday Scouts5th Crawley Thursday Beavers (Maidenbower)5th Crawley Monday Beavers5th Crawley Thursday Cubs (Maidenbower)5th Crawley Tuesday Cubs5th Crawley Thursday Scouts5th Crawley Friday Scouts6th Crawley Wednesday Beavers6th Crawley Wednesday Cubs7th Crawley Tuesday Beavers7th Crawley Tuesday Cubs7th Crawley Friday Scouts4th Worth Wednesday Cubs4th Worth Tuesday Beavers2nd Ifield Monday Squirrels2nd Ifield Friday Squirrels1st Handcross Monday Squirrels1st Handcross Monday Beavers1st Handcross Thursday Cubs1st Southgate Squirrels4th Worth Monday SquirrelsShackleton ESUDrake ESUSRF ESUNeil Armstrong ESUAny Relevant Medical Information(Required)Activity InformationActivity Type(Required)Air Rifle and Pistol ShootingCrossbow ShootingSmall Bore ShootingFull Bore ShootingClay Pigeon ShootingMuzzle Loaded ShootingAirsoftYear of Consent(Required)2025Location / Range(Required)2nd Ifield Scout HQ4th Worth Scout HQ1st Southgate Scout HQStanford Scout CampsiteParents / Guardians ConsentParents / Guardians Name(Required) First Last Parents Email(Required) Todays Date(Required)Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Month123456789101112Year20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Section 21 Consent(Required) I, being the parent/guardian of the young person named above, declare that they are not subject to restriction by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 or any other law restricting the use of guns (which applies to persons who have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment, youth custody or suspended sentence) and give permission for them to take part in the activities identified above.Section 21 prohibits the possession of a firearm and ammunition (under any circumstances), by any person who has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to a term of imprisonment (or its equivalent for young persons) of 3 months or more. The prohibition applies in all circumstances, including handling and firing at an approved shooting club or at a clay pigeon shoot where a certificate is not ordinarily required. It also applies to the possession or use of other categories of firearms and ammunition such as AIRGUNS or shot cartridges for which a certificate is not needed.Parent / Guardian Signature(Required) Share this:FacebookX