Kent Jamboree 2022

From 30th July to 6th August, 15 Explorers attended KIJ2022 with over 5000 other young people. Held at Kent County Showground, the Explorers were able to partake in a large variety of activities including: Assault Course Punch Wall Wackamole Giant Twister Wrecking ball Giant hungry hippos Bungie run Slack Line Zorbs Power Kites Quads Carts Cars 4×4 Microlight Climbing Bag jump Zip wire Abseiling Bouldering Boulder Cubes This was the first unit week long camp in over 5 years and everyone had lots of fun and many new friendships were made. A small selection of photos are available below although …

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D of E Bronze Expeditions

Congratulations to our two explorer teams who completed their Duke of Edinburgh Award Bronze expeditions in Ashdown Forest this weekend in the heatwave! Both teams worked amazingly well with each other and the participants even had enough energy left to tackle the Blackland Farm assault course. The Duke of Edinburgh programme gives young people aged 14-24, the opportunity to develop themselves in scenarios they would not normally experience. The fun but challenging expeditions take young people out of their comfort zones, whilst building confidence, teamwork, life skills and friendships. If you interested in joining us, get in touch today.

Shackleton Explorers – Raft Building @ Tilgate

Tonight our Explorers built traditional rafts from pioneering poles and barrels before giving them a test drive on Tilgate Lake. 3 groups built 3 different rafts and surprisingly all held up fairly well when launched. That didn’t stop a few of the Explorers accidentally falling in! Traditional rafting is a great way to try something new as traditional rafts are very different to other crafts. It’s also a true test of teamwork, as you’ll all need to play your part to get the raft moving in the right direction. The best pioneering projects are the ones that are plenty of …

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Tomahawk Throwing

This week, Shackleton Explorers had an evening of Tomahawk Throwing to build on the taster session last year. Several of them were naturals managing to perfectly hit the target over and over… others were not so practised!!! They also spent some of the waiting time, planning their upcoming assessed expeditions and attempting to build match stick rockets with limited success! A few photos are available below:

Tent Maintenance and Games

As we approach the summer, it was time for us to hold a tent maintenance evening ahead of our upcoming summer camps. Many broken poles were repaired and our shiny new mess tent was put up for the first time. Now thats out if the way, our next few weeks are back to more exciting activities including tomahawks and rafting.

District Explorer Scout Administrator Investiture … at height 

Tonight Shackleton and SRF Explorers held a joint meeting taking part in Climbing and Abseiling. In total 40 Explorers attended. During the evening, we also took the opportunity to present Zac with his YL buckle and invest Dipti, our District Explorer Scout Administrator. Not wanting to waste the fantastic facility, we decided to do an investiture at height as the pictures below show. We have many different volunteer roles which gives you the opportunity to gain #skillsforlife. Just get in touch to start your adventure today.

Ready Steady Bake!

This evening, our Explorers battled out to be crowned as master bakers! Tasked with baking 12 jubilee cupcakes, the teams all took very different approaches. Much food colouring and many decorations were used with some of the results being described as “eggy” or ”solid”. Well done to the winning team who’s cupcakes would rival Betty Crockers!

Bronze D of E Practise Expedition

On Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd May 2022, 10 Explorers undertook their Bronze D of E Practise Expedition in Ashdown Forest. Setting off from Old Lodge, they headed North through the Five Hundred Acre Wood, visiting Pooh Sticks Bridge before heading through Newbridge towards Broadstone Warren. Both groups arrived in high spirits (although most had sore feet from the 18km hike!). After an evening in camp learning expedition camp craft, the teams both set off around Weir Wood Reservoir for the second day. Slightly slower and with slightly more limping, the two teams passed through the various checkpoints (without getting …

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Summer 2022 Programme

A new term means a new programme which we are pleased to share below. All meetings are subject to change based on COVID restrictions but these will be emailed out as needed. If your interested in joining us, please get in touch! Date Activity Location Other Details 25/04/2022 Expedition Skills / Debrief 4th Worth Uniform 02/05/2022 Bank Holiday – No Meeting N/A N/A 09/05/2022 Evening Hike TBC Outdoor Clothing 16/05/2022 Pioneering TBC Uniform 23/05/2022 Jubilee Ready Steady Bake! 4th Worth Uniform 30/05/2022 Half Term – No Meeting N/A N/A 06/06/2022 Climbing / Abseiling Copthorne Prep School Outdoor Clothing 13/06/2022 Tent Care …

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Silver D of E Practise – New Forest

10 Explorers and 5 Leaders have just returned from the New Forest on a D of E practise expedition. Both teams successfully completed the three day expedition during which we had beautiful (if slightly cold) weather. We stayed at Ferny Crofts Campsite and Long Meadow Campsite which gave a varied experience. Well done to both teams and heres to the assessed expedition in August.

Hungry Hippos

On Monday 28th, we did various skill games including compass bearing shapes, team building exercises and hungry hippos! Originally we had planned to have a police visit but COVID disrupted that, we will reschedule for the summer term!

First Aid Training

This evening, the explorers practised their first aid skills. We looked at CPR, Recovery Position, Broken Bones, Choking and General First Aid Processes. This is to prepare them for a summer of D of E expeditions! Thanks to Elaine who came and lead the session. A few photos are below.

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.